Exiting news from the oil&gas and geothermal E&P keep coming in about In-Situ investigations striving for least errors in measuring fluid characters. In-Situ analyses accelerated due to nano-technology and the frontier to bring the laboratory to or within source is wide open but, is it...
Field PVT in collaboration with other major technology companies invented new tools for improving E&P work procedures to implement the effective use of integrated technologies for cost reduction. Exmple: The Interceptor-Flasher method has been known to find: missing 35% production unreported C4 to C10 gasses GOR on black-oil fields...
A lot has been written about the standard method of sampling and analyses downstream. When the analyses on the sample are done and conclusions are drawn on the analytical reports, a repeatable frightening comment pops up: ‘the analyses is only a good as your sample’. Some of...
Is innovation the “cure-all”? Without doubt, innovation (whether disruptive or gradual, technological, or process) is vital to the sector’s future. If we continue to do things exactly as we have been doing, we will fail to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. After all, tomorrow...
Many laboratory analyses standards are written for where the samples are brought to the laboratory. The more the better, which will help with a trend, but what if you have one sample, a unique sample costing the client millions to find, and billions if it...
A client requested to flash a bottom-hole-sample to determine the oil/water cut on a heavy-oil well. The interceptor flasher or the BSW&Gas developed by Fieldpvt was connected to the transfer bottle with the bottom-hole-sample in it, valves were opened up and a balanced flow of...