Field PVT | Field pvt fluid phase analysis
field pvt bringing the laboratory to the field for on site critical analysis like GOR, Bubble point, Dew point, viscosity, density
field, pvt,oil,gas,geothermal, GOR, bubble point, dew point, in-situ, MPMF
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Onsite Well & Production Fluid Analyses

Field pvt takes high pressure samples from bottom of well and surface production lines, and validates these, on-site, for quality and analyses for their phases using ‘zero-flash’ to get fast measurement of initial fluid data.

The results are a PVT-diagram of the sampled fluid at any chosen temperature, with their measured phases at ambient conditions like Gas-Liquid-Ratio’s (GLR) in Geothermal wells, Gas-Oil-Ratio’s (GOR) in Oil wells and Oil-Gas-Ratio’s (OGR) in Gas wells.

While on-site analysing with our developed ‘Zero-Flasher’ we can easily integrate to the on-site field geothermal-laboratory, oil&gas mud laboratory or a production calibration laboratory,
by supplying the extracted zero-flashed gasses and liquids.

These on-site zero-flashed gasses can feed on-site quadrupole-mass-spectrometers to get Helium-Nitrogen ratio’s as in rare-gas explorations, gas-chromatographs to get Hydro-Carbons ratio’s in the geothermal and oil&gas industries or a general range of sniffing analyses.
The on-site extracted liquids follows the standard Base-Sediment-and Water (BS&W) procedures with their spin-off follow up investigations.

By utilizing the client’s existing operating costs like on-site slick line, laboratory and footprint, our fast measured results, often within hours, helps the clients in the initial successes of their exploration program, monitor production performances and fluid qualities.

Experienced in Fluid Phase Analysis

Explore Our Services
Custody Transfer
Bottom-hole sampling
Set up mobile PVT laboratory
Lecturing Advanced Sampling

Cost saving benefit

We shown with sampling and critical analyses replace drilling with production auditing, saved huge mobilization of wellsite services, our mini-well test could help to discover oil fields and give company asset value within days.